Copies of Nelson have arrived at Blank Slate, so you can buy them!
You probably know the drill by now, it's an anthology with each chapter produced by some of the best and brightest creators in the UK, and all the chapters tell a story from a year in the life of the main character. My gushing about this wonderful project knows no bounds, and you can support the homeless charity Shelter by buying it!
Here's another sneak peak of my chapter. It's a fairly low res scan, so.... why not just buy the book!
More info on Nelson, and buying power, here.
There's some events lined up too. I'll be at Thought Bubble, so say hello.
While I've got your attention I'm seriously considering doing commissions, but have no idea what level of interest there is out their, so let me know. Prints are a possibility too. See you at Thought Bubble!