Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What's going on

Bit of a funny few days so I've no done much, still got some pencils needing inking and I really should get started on 'MY Robot' for AccentUk's next anthology, 'Zombies' was about zombies, see if you can guess what the subject matter is in 'Robots'.
In the meantime I need to get this off my chest, Life on Mars is one of the finest pieces of TV ever, just fantastic.
Doctor Who's started stronger, last series was a bit patchy, and Torchwood had many many (many) moments of utter cringing embarrassment. Many.


Danny said...

Man... I'm still reeling from that finale on LOM. I think it'll stay with me for a long long time...

And I know you're going to flip for Heroes when it starts on the Beeb.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Torchwood... I'd rather see the Beeb do a new series of Rentaghost than have to endure a 2nd series of that, I give up about halfway through series 1, I give it a good chance but it was seriously naff ! At least Doctor Who is still grand !!