Sunday, September 11, 2005

Hello face

I shaved my beard off. Okay you didn't know I had one, but I did, and now it's gone. The great thing about shaving a beard is when you do it in stages and get to experiment, strangely enough I don't suit a handlebar mustache. The other great thing is that you look all fresh and new.
In other news I was in Oldham this weekend. As no one who visits this blog is from Oldham, at least not that I'm aware of, can I just say how much I hate it. If you enjoy getting angry at drink culture please pay the place a visit.


Danny said...

Last time I shaved my sideburns off, it felt almost like I had too much face there, and that I looked like a gigantic child.

I keep threatening to grow a 'tache, just to see how far I can wind Nic up with it! I daren't actually go through with it, though. Maybe one of those Lemmy / Kim Newman sideburn and tache things might be in order...

Nimiwey said...

I like to do the same thing with my leg hair, shave it off in stages. Crop circles, messages from the devil, etc., then BAM! I no longer stick to my sheets like velcro.

paulhd said...

It's nice to make something that's normally such a chore into something fun (Mary Poppins would be proud) By the time I got round to shaving the 'tashe of I was a bit sad to see it go, Rebecca made the mistake of saying it looked a bit Jullian Barrett and I was tempted to keep it but she also said she'd divorce me if I did.
I do now have some serious grips though, big sideburns reaching all the way down to my jaw and they look ace!

Danny said...

I'm deffo jealous of the sideburns... I have to do the Noddy Holder thing with mine and grow them out long. Proper Wolverine mutton chops just won't happen for me...

Nimiwey said...

What's with the English and sideburns? Is it THAT cold? Brain Market said he always wanted them and grew them in soon after our union, his are quite dapper I must say, black and speckled with silver (be careful, Paul, it seems they are the first part of hair to turn).
Sportin' a 'stache (yes we add the s) is for child molesters and burned out Harley riders.

paulhd said...

I'm already greying. My chinny bit's pretty much silver. Don't know why the burns obsession, but the (s)tachs is a no no, only Gerard Depardiu (spelling?) can get away with it.