Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Linky linky

There's another link on the right. I've been following Andi Watson's work for a long time now, and am a huge fan of his artwork (and writing) The elegance and simlicity of it is it's power and something I aim for myself. If none of you have seen Watson's work click on the new link.
A really cool thing about Watson's site is the blog which has plenty of lovely pinups, and more importantly some samples from his new up coming comic, 'Paris' which he's only writing. Why am I so excited about this comic when Watson's not doing the art? Easy, Simon Gane's doing the artwork and he is a cartooning giant. Gane's incredible work is hard to describe, but that's okay because you can go and look at it on Watson's site.


Gopher said...

I took a surprisingly large amount of enjoyment out of the Mortgate/Finance Gazette section of the Illustrations... maybe too long in the industry. I have you linked now... and I still cannot work out how you get the time to post so much!

paulhd said...

Oops, sorry Reese, I'll fix that in a bit.
Well well Generic, had no idea you'd been reading - did I send a link or did you stumble across me? More importantly does this mean Lorraine's reading :)
No idea why I post as much as I do and no idea where I find the time, particularly tonight seeing as I stopped back at work for 3 hours like an idiot (because I don't get paid overtime) Actually the reason I'm writing tonight is because I'm torturing myself with the Get Carter remake and the distraction of longwinded blogging is a welcome one.

Nimiwey said...

Are you still moping?

Gopher said...

Ouch! (Get Carter remake). Lorraine hasn't been reading, but she doesn't seem to go online all that much, unless it's for football bulletin boards (she doesn't even like football!). I'm the 'net addict.

I think she gave me the link because I would actually read it. I'm still trying to find what my 'blog was intended for...

11 hour days at the moment before I bring work home so I sympathise...

paulhd said...

Not moping so much now thanks Nimiwey, just counting the days til my week off.
Good luck in finding out what your blog's about Generic, if you do let me know because I still haven't worked out what mine's about.
Better get of to work now.

Danny said...

Man, I really, really can't face the Get Carter remake... See also the Italian Job remake... Crikey...

Gopher said...

Cannot disagree with that, or I could but I won't.

Originals were always the intended projection of something, and therefore re-making that projection usually dilutes the original purpose.

Never watched the original Get Carter however, just dislike the modern one. I give it little more credit than the modern soap opera (and just so we're clear, I loath soaps).

Never watched TV as a child so missed Psycho and the original Italian Job... my parents fooled me into thinking the washing machine was the TV... until I tried to change the channel and the whites came out pink!

paulhd said...

The original Get Carter was an excellent gritty and surprisingly moral film. The remake was gratutious (spelling?) stupid and shite, probably something to do with having the stiffening corpse of Sly Stallone dragging himself around the screen trying to look hard but just looking really camp.
Not sure remakes are always a bad idea (The Thing is brilliant) but generally I just don't see the point.
Fleur118 I find the time by doing nothing with my life and then moaning about it online, ah the irony.

Danny said...

I suppose the point, as ever in Hollywood, is maximum financial return on a minimum of expenditure. I guess given the choice between funbding a new project, that the public don't know, and re-hashing a pre-established property, where nothing especially needs developing from scratch, the money people will plump for the re-hash. That said, I am rather looking forward to Peter JAckson's King Kong this Xmas...

paulhd said...

Yup, it's all about the dollah, in fact I confidentally predict in a couple of years time cinemas will just hold hollywood execs and stars giving blow jobs for cash. The vast majority of films hollywood produce are either sequels, remakes or based on comics games or novels. Original films are disappearing, but the last one I can think of was The Island (if a more turgid piece of shite than this exists it was probably made by Michael Bay too) so I'm not sure what my point is. Um, diminishing returns is my point I guess. Hollywood won't take any chances and hopes to produce films that will appeal to as many people as possible. Originality is thrown out in favour of copying something that's already worked, characterisation is dumped for 'cool' (anything that aims to be cool inevitable ends up being 'cool', it's a law or something) dialogue and 1 dimensionality and heart and intellect are unrequired when facile hackery can take their place.
Thankfully there's some decent TV out lately, Deadwood was excellent and I'me looking forward to watching Carnivale after enjoying the first episode thanks to my fine friend Danny.

Danny said...

you are going to love carnivale, I swear... and so does Ian McShane (a lot... in Deadwood... fuck, I'm just digging a comedy hole and there's no way of getting out...)

Gopher said...

The Island is actually facing a lawsuit (or the film company is anyway), because I guy claims he wrote the film in the 1970s so there goes the concept of originality.

I'm not a film person anyway, but I'm sure I could be if I saw some decent ones.

I generally get dragged to the cinema to watch crap like Bridge Jones 2... I was going to walk out but I felt it was a tad unfair on my guests, although I made sure they realised the torture I had just faced afterwards.

paulhd said...

Well, there was nothing original about The Island anyway, it ripped all it's best ideas from other films, 70's ones mostly which does tend to give credence to some guy claiming he wrote it back then.