Friday, November 23, 2007

Moving Target artwork

Not much artwork posted lately, but I have been busy. These are the front and back covers for Jason Cobley's 'Moving Target'. Jason asked for something quirky figuring I'm good at that. Well, I wasn't! After reading the book (very good indeed!) I couldn't come up with an image I felt summed it up. In the end I went for a bit of an obvious choice, but when Jason saw it he was so please he opted for leaving off the title and his name! I'm especially pleased about this as I felt it could've been stronger (the original rough had less space between faces and I mistakenly believed this was one of the things to correct in the final version), so the vote of confidence went down well.
When I saw the back cover using my original design featuring 'Hugo' from Jason's adaptation of the comic-strip we worked on I thought it could be improved and more could be made of the title and author text to make up for it not going on th
e cover. A quick fiddle with the layout and colours and you can now see the end result. If you'd like to read a sample of the book (and then buy it, you know you want to!) here's the link. Due to circumstances beyond his control Jason's had to take down his blog, so comment here to convince him that his idea for a 'Zombie of the Great Unwashed' sequel must be written!
Sadly my busy couple of weeks has meant I've skipped the last two Illustration Fridays. This is d
oubly annoying as I had an idea for 'Scale' that I'd wanted to use for the last four months. I tried to knock it out quickly but just wasn't happy with the results at all. I'll still draw it, but in my own time I think.
I've got a couple of scribbles on the drawing board that I plan to turn into pictures soon, in the meantime I've got a script to draw. It's a
tight deadline, but that's my own fault, and I reckon and can still make it anyway. Gulp!


I. N. J. Culbard said...

I would buy it for the cover alone. Excellent work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paul. I'm feeling a bit down today, and this was a welcome sight. It does look good, doesn't it? Everyone, please do buy it - not just for me, but to be able to admire Paul's masterpiece in print! :-)

paulhd said...

INJ - Thank you kindly. Rest assured, there's even better stuff inside!
Jason - Sorry to hear you're down, glad I was able to offer some cheer.
Also worth mentioning I'm not the only one producing artwork for Moving Target, the few illustrations I saw were pretty impressive.